About us
Captive Breeding and Reintroduction
Conservation Breeding Programs
Translocation of Kulans
Reintroduction of Bearded Vultures
Reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis
Reintroduction European Pond Turtle
Reintroduction European Ground Squirrel
Reintroduction of the Ural Owl
Reintroduction of Alpine Ibex
Stress in Polar Bears
Stress in birds
Sensory Biology in Dolphins
AI driven automated behavior analysis
Conservation of Species within their Native Habitat
Protection of local trees and woods
Conservation of the La Plata Dolphin
Vaquita in Trouble
Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation in Brazil
Conservation of the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin
Conservation of the Guiana Dolphin in Lake Maracaibo
Human dimensions in species conservation
Exchange promotes Knowledge
Nuremberg Zoo
Yaqu Pacha e.V.
Association Friends of Nuremberg Zoo
Sensory Biology in Dolphins