Reintroduction of Alpine Ibex
AI driven automated behavior analysis
25/01/2024Protection of local trees and woods
The climate change shows itself in ways like heatwaves, dryness and strong rainfalls. Not only humans but the ecosystems like trees and woods can feel the consequences. The woods and also single trees are doing a lot for the ecosystem like the production of oxygen, protection of earthquakes, resources for an ecological way of growing, water filtration, protection of floodwaters and shadows for cooling down on hot days. These are services we depend on, without paying for it because it’s normal for us. But our responsibility is to help the nature keep working for our future generations to gift them a life we would wish for. Many of our native tree species aren’t even prepared for this kind of climate change that approaches us. Burning hot summers without rainfalls make the trees weak till they die. On top this climate helps insects to lay their eggs. This leads to trees and entire woods dying out.
Because of that it’s time to act and change something. The ,,Tiergarten Nürnberg“ is a certified forestry operation that is responsible for the woods of the city of Nuremberg.

Lokaler Bäume und Wälder © Tiergarten Nürnberg
Our contribution
In 2020 representatives of the offices of nourishment, agriculture and managed forests Fuerth-Erlangen, the Bavarian state-forestry as well as the city of Nuremberg, agreed on a joint strategy for securing the already mentioned qualities of trees and forests. To reach that goal woods are strategically and actively modified. The strategy primarily depends on stability and the ability to adapt through diversity. The plan also consists of planting non-native trees, which are going to be able to handle the prognosed future climate of our areas because of their nativity. You can find more information here: "Waldpapier"
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- Lokaler Bäume und Wälder © Tiergarten Nürnberg